Smart Vibrating Shoes for Navigation

Watch your surroundings, seeing people and enjoying your view, is (again) possible with the Super Shoes. It is a very simple concept, which lets you see the world, instead of looking on your smartphone all the time, because you never know what you are missing on the go. It fits all the way into the trend that we want to go back to basic again and not constantly use our smartphone and a lot of social media.

It is a foot sole that you can put in any shoe and through little vibrations, can point the way. The pads are in connection with your smartphone, but you can give all the information in advance, for example, if you have to go to the supermarket, want to see a cool hotspot or want to get a lunch, you put that places in your agenda and through bluetooth the pads will know where to go. So while you are on the go, you can finally leave you phone in your bag, because the sole provides by little vibration can let you know where you have to go left or right and when you reached your final destination.

I definitely believe that the Super Shoes have future growth potential, because in my view, this is the navigation of the future. You are getting better in touch with your surroundings and you don’t automatically close yourself from the people you are with, because you are busy with your phone. In addition you can use it only for yourself, but also your friends and family can use it and you can share your experiences very easily. It is certainly better for you social wellbeing because you are involved in your environment again and less easily distracted by your phone. Also it is a good addition for your development because you are open to your environment and you “just like before” see things and know what has been said, something that you might otherwise miss.


When you think you are waiting for the bus, some serious sh#t is happening!

A lot of people nowadays use the public transport in the city, because most of the time it is faster and cheaper than going by car. The bus is a simple transport that can bring you from A to B, but most of the time you have to wait for quite a while and that makes the public transport boring and annoying.

A trend that you’ve might noticed and perhaps want it yourself, is the experience around random things. Also called as the experience economy. In a world  in which we take a lot for granted, it is the “special” things in life that can make your day.

In association with Pepsi and a random bus shelter in New Oxford Street the Unbelievable bus shelter is born. With special effects the makers of this incredible idea, brought a whole new sensation while only waiting for the bus. It is cool because what seems to be a random dialing thing (waiting) is now an experience in 3-D and can be put in any place.

The idea to bring people some sensation in common things, can be used around the world in different varieties, for example in billboards, posters etc.  So it can be expend in different countries in a very wide form.


Just a little bit higher…

Urbanization is something that is going on for many years now and it will not stop on the short term. But the counterpart of this movement is that people want to go back to basic and live a more authentic life. Because there is little place in the cities left, the creators of the Castle Hautefort (France) created a beautiful tree house in the middle of nowhere, but with all the luxury people nowadays want.

It is cool because the trend to live higher is brought to nature instead of big buildings in the city. The complete house is made out of wood, to stay close at nature and to be sustainable.

It can easily be expand in different shapes and forms and of course in different countries. You can see it as a sort of new holiday house, but only a little bit higher.

It is complementary to the material wellbeing because you can see it as an extra house, with a lot of privacy in a healthy environment, so it also brings a good emotional wellbeing.

The-Coolest-Tree-House-1 The-Coolest-Tree-House-6 The-Coolest-Tree-House-8


Like a bird in the sky

We all know the big white windmills that only stand in the sea or in the countryside because they are too big to stand somewhere else. We don’t like the view of it and when it is wind still, they are not working. Now there is a new solution in the making, which is working the same as a bird that flies and looks like an oven.

It adapts to the weather conditions and may generate as much energy on windy days, as on less windy days. In addition it has a small design (2,5 meters wide) and can easily be placed on the roof of a big building or flat. Most of the times, those places aren’t even used, so why not use it for energy.

Because we are living in a time that there is not enough place on the ground in the cities anymore, we need to think higher. Also we need to think about how to get our energy. Now it is not directly coming towards us, but from big windmills in the sea and than through a big system at our houses. With this small device we can make our own energy, directly on the rooftop. It works a little bit the same as solar panels.

It is good for our material wellbeing. Nowadays a lot of our devices run on energy and that cost a lot of money, so why not invest in a smaller system that can bring energy directly to your house?


Compact bicycle that folds smaller than an umbrella

Nowadays we have too little space and time, and more and more people are living and working in the city. The transport is cycling, because you can get easily from A to B. but the bicycles are getting stolen or destroyed and then the repair costs are very high. Gianluca de Sada, the creator of the bike, had itself been struggling with these problems and come up with the perfect solution.

Of course we are already familiar with the foldable bicycle. Which you have to put down in the office where those are a thorn in the eye ,or you need to put them in the dressing room in good faith. The Sada Bike is a bike that you can use in different ways. You can fold this bike down to a small size that the format is the same size as an umbrella and so it is easy to store. For the wheels there is also a solution, because with a protective case, you can quick and easy make a purse of briefcase out of it were you can put your laptop in.

I think that in this bike there will be a future because we want to go faster and being more compact without product, but we are also very busy with our environment. Everyone knows today that cycling is healthy for you and that it can help improve nature. With this bike you have all your need packed in one product.

It is therefore a product which will help you to improve your social wellbeing because you are within the community helping the sustainability, and this also helps in the productivity and so your development will be improved.



Checking in advance if it is clean where you are going to eat? That is possible in the Netherlands from June. De Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit is going to make these data public on their website and through different colors (just like the traffic light is red in this case bad) you can see how the situation in the lunchrooms is.

It is a major step by the Government, to openly propose companies to the consumer only by the basis of hygiene figures, but it is important for consumers to know where they stand.

And even though there are already restaurants where you have an open kitchen, and therefore meeting the trend transparency, nowhere is officially indicated whether it is also a hygienic kitchen, because there is a lot that we can not see with the naked eye.

I certainly believe that this new rule/concept is going to be conducted in many other shapes and sizes in various industries. So we, besides the face that we can know where our food comes from and whether it is organically grown or not, also know if the space in which it is made, is clean. So in June there is total transparency from beginning to end.



What it is?

WWF has been working with Oniria/TBWA on a global warming menu, for now, consisting of eggs and meat. Why you will wonder? To explain the climate change in a different way and to come in the media again with this important subject. It is working very simple in good climate. For this project they just prepared the ingredients on the asphalt of the city of Asuncion – Paragua. This way of cooking is to see how warm the ground there is because of environmental pollution.

Why it is cool?                                    

Instead of advertising true small movies about forest fires, floods and other nature disasters, they are now coming with a whole new initiative, that otherwise shows, what we are doing or doing not about global warming.

This way of advertising is closer to the people, because they will think it is a joke in the beginning, ‘who is cooking there food on a concrete floor?!’, but later they will be aware that it all has to do with global warming and that it is a serious issue.

Does it have future growth potential?

They want to show that by small initiatives in your own environment, you can already start to improving your surroundings. This is an initiative that they can apply worldwide, in several different ways and make people, on an easy way, be aware of what they actually are doing. You can start already with the small everyday things you do at home and save a lot.!xModl



What it is?

Disposable Food Bowl is a new concept created by Michal Marko. It works very simple, you eat your food, plant the attached seeds in the tray with sand and a little bit of water. For a couple of days you let it grow and after a while, you have a plant! One plant per meal is a greener world!

Why it is cool?

The Food Bowl is very cool because it is almost a complete green concept, only the plastic at the top (where the seeds are) it not so good for the environment. “The green life” is currently a trend among many people, and a lot of people are starting to find it very important. With this concept, it is something that you can perform easy at home or on the street and in the long run it is better for the environment. No large rubbish heaps anymore, but the natural solution.

Does it have future growth potential?

This new concept, certainly has future growth potential. Just imagine that they would put this  Food Bowl on all the fast food packaging instead of what we have right now. A lot of the packaging ended up on the streets, instead of just lying there, it will continue and grow something beautiful. In the long run it is an easy and simple addition to the nature and it can grow inside and outside.

Right now this concept is still in the innovaters phase. As fas as I’ve been able to find, the disposable food bowl does not exist in reality and only a dummy version is released. After some research I could not find a site about this product, only one blog and different articles in which the product is explained.

Food Bowl serie


What it is?

Fresh Walls is a plant which you can put in your home/work area/school as a wall.

It can provide fresh and clean air, but you can also grow vegetables and fruit on it.

Why it is cool?

This green wall is cool because you can create your own clean air, but most of all because you can grow your own vegetables indoor. In addition it works very easy. You put the plants in the specially-made pots, ensure that there is sufficient water in the reservoirs and you are ready! It takes up little space in the room and is therefore ideal for small spaces. You can use it easily as decoration and consumes no power.

Besides it can help you with your material wellbeing, because you can grow your own unsprayed fresh food without going to the supermarket and you are sure that you have a raw product. In addition, it is also good for your health because it brings a lot of fresh air in the room and it absorbs dust and carbon dioxide in a fast and easy way, which gives you always cleaned fresh air in the building.

Does it have future growth potential?

I believe that the Fresh Walls have future growth potential because it can be used everywhere. In a lot of households you only see a single plant and the rest is outside. But with the Fresh Walls you can combine inside and outside and get pure fresh air in the building. But also in hospitals this would be a good addition, in order to create fresh air instead of an extraction system. And it can be expanding in various forms such as a floor  or into smaller shapes like a living wall painting.

At the moment this product is in the innovaters phase. The Fresh Walls is used by a small group of people and is far from being caught in the crowd. Thought I think it will be taken over by the early adapoters, because the trend now is to have a healthy life.

FreshWalls 2 FreshWalls


What it is?

Men who wear silicone suits to feel and be the ultimate woman, it is a new upcoming trend in a world that not much people know about.. In some cases it is a hobby but most of the time it is a sexual fantasy. True the suits, they can still see, hear, smell and eat, so they can where is anytime they want, it is a lifestyle for some men.

Why it is cool?

True the suits, the difference between man and woman is getting smaller. With this new technology, even men can feel like the perfect woman without the need for surgery.

Does it have future growth potential?

On the long term I think it has future growth potential. Right now we live in a society where we slowly but surely asked ourselves where we are going with the difference between the sexes and what is accepted and what is going to be accepted. I think the invention in some countries will cause little fuss, but in most cases people are against it. This is mainly in the countries where the roles between men and women are still clearly divided and where homosexuality is still a trending topic.
